Friday, 18 January 2013

Coming Soon to a Bookstore Near You! (Hint:Us!)

It's always exciting to see some new books on the horizon!
Here's a little preview (by no means complete!), of just some of the books coming soon.
You can pre-order all of these with us now.

There is one other book we're really excited about, but it doesn't have a cover yet. It's The Great British Sewing Book, due in March and will tie in with a new BBC series - set to do for sewing what the GBBO has done for baking!

Tell us the books YOU are excited about - which ones would you like us to include?

Fantastic Fiction!

Food Glorious Food!

Homes & Gardens

A Look Back (we already have the Jane Austen book in stock!)


Two that we just know our local readers are going to LOVE!
(out now)

 For Younger Readers (although we read them too and so should you!)

Ok, over to you! Tell us about the books you are looking forward to! 
Authors, Publishers, feel free to tell us about your own books :)

Tuesday, 1 January 2013

New Year Reading Challenge!

I'm Danielle, the Assistant Manager at Waterstones Cirencester. A few years ago I set myself a New Year's Book Challenge to read an alphabet of authors in a year. I tried to make sure I got a good mix of old and new titles from different genres.
I read some old favourites -

a couple of classics

and lots of authors I'd never read before (and have continued to read since!)

So I've decided to set myself a reading challenge for 2013 and I'd love it if you wanted to join in or help with ideas of what to read next. My aim is to read a book from each decade starting from 1900 to the present day. That means a book a month, which should be fairly easy. So far I've had suggestions of The Great Gatsby for the 20s and Sylvia Plath's The Bell Jar for the 60s, which celebrates its 60th birthday in 2013 too. I am likely to jump from decade to decade but I'll update you on what I'm reading now and next and what I think so far but really I'd like to hear your suggestions. I tend to be a fiction reader so any ideas as long as it's not horror because I'm a big wimp!
I'll be beginning book 1 on 1st January and I'm going to go with F Scott Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby as a friend (and fellow bookseller) told me he's one of her favourite authors and I can't quite believe I've got this far in life and not yet read him.
Which decade should I do next? Let me know all your ideas and if you decide to join me on my quest I'd love to hear what you're reading and how you're getting on.