Here's a little preview (by no means complete!), of just some of the books coming soon.
You can pre-order all of these with us now.
There is one other book we're really excited about, but it doesn't have a cover yet. It's The Great British Sewing Book, due in March and will tie in with a new BBC series - set to do for sewing what the GBBO has done for baking!
Tell us the books YOU are excited about - which ones would you like us to include?
Fantastic Fiction!
Food Glorious Food!
Homes & Gardens
Two that we just know our local readers are going to LOVE!
(out now)
For Younger Readers (although we read them too and so should you!)
Ok, over to you! Tell us about the books you are looking forward to!
Authors, Publishers, feel free to tell us about your own books :)