Monday, 22 April 2013

Picturebook Club!

From May we're launching our brand new Picturebook Club!
Join us for lots of stories, competitions, author events and recommendations.
The idea is to have plenty of fun! If you would like to join, please drop Jo a line at the following email address and we'll send you our May newsletter!

 Primrose      The Princess and the Peas      Oh No, George!      Again!

What can you look forward to..?

Tiddlers' Tales
Bring your toddlers every Thursday, 11.00-11.45am. Come and listen to storytime and then take part in an activity afterwards. 
We'll give you a voucher for 10% off in our Costa Coffee Shop between 10.30am - 12.30pm on that day, plus a FREE babyccino, so you and your little ones can enjoy some refreshments together.

 I Love You, Blue Kangaroo       I Heart School - Martha and the Bunny Brothers      Lost and Found      Rabbityness - Child's Play Library           

Sunday Storytime
Come and listen to a story every Sunday at 11.00am, followed by an activity until 11.45am. 
We often end up reading several stories on a Sunday, so if that's what our audience want, then that's what we do!
We'll give you a Costa voucher for 10% off in our Costa Coffee Shop between 10.30am-12.30pm on that day, plus a FREE babyccino, so you and your young ones can enjoy a drink together. (They have fab cake too!)

 Tabby McTat      Norman the Slug with a Silly Shell      Aliens Love Underpants!      Whatever Next!

Competition Time!
Each month we'll be holding a competition, so your child has the chance to win some very special prizes.
The Tiger Who Came to Tea     Spring Story - Brambly Hedge      Never Say No to a Princess!     Troll Swap

Author & Illustrator Events
We'll keep you informed of our author events. This is your chance to meet top picturebook authors and illustrators and get your very own book signed and dedicated!
We have a particularly exciting event coming up on Saturday 25th May...

Picturebook Club News
Once a month we'll send you an email letting you know about all of the events, storytimes and competitions we have coming up in the following month. We'll also let you know about any new books we're excited about.
We'll have a feature each month on books you might like if.... your child likes dinosaurs / doesn't like bedtime / is going on a plane for the first time... it could be anything really and we'd love to receive suggestions!

 Each Peach Pear Plum     The Very Hungry Caterpillar - The Very Hungry Caterpillar Bk. 14     Hairy Maclary from Donaldson's Dairy - Hairy Maclary and Friends     We're Going on a Bear Hunt - Walker story board books

We do hope you'll come along and join us. Here's just some of the fun we've been having...

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